So I am doing my goal setting regarding The Turkish Travel Blog and I figure that to do this, I have to review past results. While doing so, I happened to stumble across some amusing but weird search terms that were used in Google to find my blog.
Taking an idea from Michael at Go see Write, I have decided to list those search terms here. Some of them may bring a smile to your face but I do give a word of warning, not to read this post while you are eating or you suffer from a weak stomach.
Now, it would be very rude of me just to brush these readers off. So in true agony aunt style I have provided an answer to their search term and I hope that will answer their question, cleanse their souls and put them on a path to true salvation.
1 – Fat Hairy Turkish Man
I have to ask this reader if they are on medication. Do you know what a chore it is to live with a hairy man, never mind a hairy Turkish man? Every day, you have to vacuum and hairs appear in the most strangest of places. My advice is stay away from the great, hairy ones as they will bring you nothing but trouble and a life time of picking hairs out of the soap. If you ignore my advice then I can only say “may the lord be with you in your time of hardship and save all that hair because you can knit yourself a new pair of socks”
2 – Hairy Turkish Women.
Well, there are good points to being in a relationship with a hairy Turkish woman. You won’t ever have to buy an electric blanket as she will keep you warm. You can also pass her off as your mate at the local rugby club. However do the good points outweigh the bad? Imagine the embarrassment when your mother calls her son and the rage when she steals your razor to shave her moustache. If you decide to ignore my advice then find the web address for Immac and sign up for a life time supply.
3 – Horse circumcision
Hmmm. One has to assume or rather hope that you are a wannabe vet studying for exams and this is part of the test. All I can say is, this is a new one on me however good luck and remember to use double the dose of drugs to knock the horse out first. If you are not a vet, then I remind you of the difference between hell and heaven and ask you to consider which one you would like to go to.
4 – I like Turkish men. Is this normal?
Ah you are so sweet and me thinks a little bit too young to be dating men with that attitude. Define normal honey. I like men who spend all their money on me, and I will ignore a feminist telling me to pay half the bill because that’s normal. Make your own decisions as to what is normal and what is not. If you are having trouble, then look at it this way. Not normal can be defined as anything that is illegal or cannot be shown on mainstream TV. Apart from that, the world is your oyster so go and get your man.
5 – Prostitutes in Tea houses in Turkey.
For those that have never visited Turkey, even the World Wrestling Federation has trouble keeping up with the amount of testosterone flying around inside of a tea house. It is a male dominated environment and a woman entering into a tea house is the equivalent of a pig wandering into your local mosque. So if you are a woman wanting to know if your man is playing around , relax and let him go. If you are male and you are wanting to lighten your pocket of currency, then you need to look for ladies of the night in venues other than a tea house.
6 – How To Get Ban On YouTube?
One question. Why!?