Here at the Turkish Travel Blog, I normally spend copious amounts of time indulging in activities that have no productive results what so ever. So, while reviewing some stats of the tourism industry in Turkey, I decided to make a pretty picture so they would be easier to read, and I can say, that I do actually produce something in my spare time.
Some very interesting results appear on the official figures taken from the website of Turkish culture and tourism. For example…
If you think that the British dominate the tourism scene, reality is far from that.
Did you know that Turkey has big plans for the tourism industry? To be completed by 2023.
The estimated revenue earned from Tourism in Turkey will also blow your mind
Tourism in Turkey Statistics
Tourism in Turkey : Plans for the Future
Well, there are some things to consider…
During the last few weeks, I’ve had many hits to my website as well as emails and Facebook messages. People are asking if they should cancel their holidays to Turkey because of the situation in Syria. I tell everyone the same message, come to Turkey. It is a big country. I am at the moment on the Aegean coast and life is as normal. However, how many people have decided to book holidays in another country instead?
The resort of Didim which is on the list of targeted areas, is not off to a good start. The beach front was dug up in the winter time, ready for a new look that would modernize the appearance of the resort. It is still not finished and major UK travel operator Thomas Cook is advising their guests to go elsewhere. According to a Facebook Group, one woman’s booking was changed to Tunisa!
Despite these two issues and others, I am going to remain optimistic as Turkey has been very prominent at tourism fairs in many countries.
I wish everyone that works in the tourism industry throughout Turkey, a productive and profitable summer
Further Reading
Tourism in Turkey – Strategy Plan To Be Completed by 2023
Reader Questions : What do you think about Turkey’s plan to be one of the top five holiday destinations in the world?
Can they achieve it?