Turkish Men are once again causing heartache all over the globe. Thousands of foreign women enter Turkey every year and strike up a holiday romance. While dating is good, the holiday romance does not work out for some, and they move on. Others, however, cannot accept the holiday romance for what it is. So they join Turkish Love Rats and make the man the focus of their Facebook page. First, they start free blogs slating off every Turkish man they know and then enter numerous amounts of forums to declare to the world all Turkish men are sleazeballs and should never be trusted.
Turkish Men, Dating, Behaviour and Holiday Romances
So, when thinking about Turkish men, I type this post in despair. I am sending out a strong message to all women travellers or tourists from today. Do not get involved in a holiday romance with a Turkish man if you cannot handle overseas dating. I don’t want to read your blog, like your Facebook page or meet on a forum. Stereotyping the whole male race of Turkey simply because of your failed holiday romance is OTT and on the verge of bunny boiling. The fact is plenty of mixed relationships between Turkish men and foreign women work perfectly well. However, I can cite three reasons why a holiday romance won’t work.
1 – You live in two different countries. Now, you don’t need brains to work out that when you live in two different countries, the odds are stacked against you. Any man can have an affair even if he lives in the same house, so why do you think he will be honest when he lives in a different country? If you are dating one of the many Turkish men who break women’s hearts, don’t call him the love of your life when you live in two different countries. This is a holiday romance, even if you return six times every year to see him. To take the romance further, one of you has to move countries.
2 – Two different cultures are joining here. Unfortunately, most relationships fail because the woman keeps 100% of her culture, and the Turkish man holds 100% of his Turkish culture. Both must meet in the middle and give something up for the dating to progress to a full-blown love affair. Yes, his mother will always come before you. As for him, he must accept you do and always will eat pork.
3 –If you can not spot sleazeballs, your life skills need tuning up. Many girls let their hair down on holiday and are more trusting than in their hometowns. Some signs he is not to be trusted are
- He says he loves you when you are older than his mother
- He asks for money.
- He moves on you on the first night.
- He introduces you as a friend
- He hides you from his friends
- He runs away to the toilet when his phone rings
Dating a Turkish Man – What is Their Behaviour Like?
The dating behaviour of a Turkish man will vary depending on his cultural upbringing. For example, someone who grew up in a small southeast rural village will have different dating attitudes to Turkish men who grew up in large cities like Istanbul. On the large, I do find them to be very persistent. If there is an interested party that wants to date you, but you are not interested, be firm but polite. Any attack on their male image will result in anger. On the other hand, do not attempt to make a Turkish man jealous to get his attention either. This will backfire drastically.
Can You Trust a Turkish Man?
Well, this question is, how long is a piece of string? As mentioned before, do not stereotype the whole nation. Instead, ask if you can trust “THAT” Turkish man. Assess his character, and watch his behaviour. Check in on your self-esteem and know you deserve nothing but the best, and then sit back and see if he delivers. Proud, self-confident women rarely get taken advantage of simply because the sleaze bags know she can handle her own. If you want to visit Turkey and fall in love with a Turkish man, be prepared for life-changing experiences. If the dating works out, I am happy for you. If the holiday romance does not work out, please remember billions of other men are on the planet. Don’t make one Turkish man the reason for your existence. Wear your crown with pride, sister.
Further Reading about Turkey
Learning about the culture and traditions
Photos from around Turkey
Meeting people from around the country